A series of re-imagined Revolutionary War flags with an ecological twist. A collaboration with David Buckley Borden for the show, “Triple Decker Ecology” at the Somerville Museum in Somerville, Massachusetts.
marine-grade nylon, thread

Photos by Mikola Accuardi
The Changing Times is “a touring newspaper uncovering seldom-heard histories, examining biases and celebrating expression.” Started by itinerant artist/designer Corbin LaMont in 2017, each monthly issue of TCT is based in a different place, and for month 10 I was fortunate enough to be able to collaborate with Corbin on the issue for my home at the time, Palouse, WA.
“Poems for Firefighters” is the title of my daily haiku practice reflecting on every day I worked on a wildfire during the summer of 2018. All poems from this series were written by headlamp in my tent at basecamp on the Buckshot Fire in Mattawa, WA and the Crescent Fire in Twisp, WA.
“Summer in Palouse” is the title of my series of haikus written while living with Mary Welcome in Palouse, WA from May -> November of 2018.
Issue 10 also features various cover jacket illustrations by myself as well as my 8-year-old neighbor Maggie.
13-page, risograph-printed at Outlet in Portland, OR with Corbin LaMont and Nicole Lavelle
A flag for Origin Hotel at Red Rocks. The flag is meant to represent the colors of Red Rocks amidst the high desert and blue skies of Colorado. Quilted pieces are all found vintage fabric/pennants/bank bags/shot bags/produce sacks from Colorado.
assorted vintage fabric, canvas, brass grommets
Thank you to Nine Dot Arts.

Hemlock Hospice was a year-long, art-based interpretive trail by David Buckley Borden, Aaron M. Ellison, and their team of interdisciplinary collaborators, including myself. The project took place on the public trail system owned and operateded by Harvard Forest for various LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) studies. This immersive, site-specific, science-communication project played on the narrative of the invasive species, the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), and it’s effect on the disappearance of the eastern hemlock. Scientists project that the hemlock forests in Massachusetts will functionally disappear by 2025. While telling the story of the loss of eastern hemlock, the project addresses larger issues of climate change, human impact, and the future of New England forests.
marine-grade nylon, canvas, brass grommets, wood

Located in the Eastern Sierras at the portal to Mt. Whitney, the tallest mountain in the continental U.S., stands a 2,000 square ft. stone house. This house is now known as the Tuttle Creek Ashram, and was built by Franklin and Sarah Merrell-Wolff throughout the 1930s. The structure was to serve as a hub for transcendental philosophy, mysticism, and spirituality, as they believed that the spiritual center of a country should be at it's highest point of elevation.
The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning "breath."
My practice involved creating site-specific, short-lived sculptures that aimed to focus on my breath, while illuminating natural objects found in each biotic zone between my campsite and the Tuttle Creek Ashram. The zones included the Sagebrush Scrub Zone - 4,944 ft, Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Zone - 5,500 ft, and the Lower Montane Forest Zone - 7,600 ft. In addition to the sculptures, I designed and created original flags to celebrate the diversity and personality of each biotic zone represented, as well as a flag to represent the Ashram.
found natural objects, artist’s tape, cotton, canvas
I was a resident of Cabin-Time 8. Cabin-Time is a roaming creative residency to remote places.
jackie barry copyright 2023