Hemlock Hospice was a year-long, art-based interpretive trail by David Buckley Borden, Aaron M. Ellison, and their team of interdisciplinary collaborators, including myself. The project took place on the public trail system owned and operateded by Harvard Forest for various LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) studies. This immersive, site-specific, science-communication project played on the narrative of the invasive species, the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), and it’s effect on the disappearance of the eastern hemlock. Scientists project that the hemlock forests in Massachusetts will functionally disappear by 2025. While telling the story of the loss of eastern hemlock, the project addresses larger issues of climate change, human impact, and the future of New England forests.
marine-grade nylon, canvas, brass grommets, wood
jackie barry copyright 2023